Comics #249-251

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#249: Musical Tastes

Today is August 11th, 2007: The 7th Anniversary of the Original WSSQUID. I’d say that gives me the right to make puns as horrible as this.

---Injoke/reference revealed below (highlight to read)---

Josh Groban is a fairly popular musical artist, and the "Now" series has been churning out approximately 20 new collections of "hot today, lukewarm tomorrow" music every year for the past decade or so. As for the joke in the second-to-last and last panels…Pink Floyd. Dark Side of the Moon. The Wizard of Oz. Google them. (And, just when you thought this strip couldn’t get any nerdier, the rune on the album cover is ken, which symbolizes light!)

---End of Injoke/reference explanation---

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#250: Something Almost New

This is the fifth "Semicentennial Special" strip, and I thought I'd take the time to do a little satire. I have nothing against remakes, but after so many, I've found myself longing for a short, original, average fangame.

I'm also sorry to announce that I'm going on another break from the strip, mostly because I've been busy with various other things…including a very short adventure game, which should be complete soon.

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No strip this week, but something a bit more serious instead. I was pretty depressed when I read the news about, then angry because there seems to be nothing that we, the people that truly care about the SQ franchise, can do to convince Vivendi Universal (who see the franchise as nothing more than a way to squeeze as much money as possible out of the fans) that they are shooting themselves in the foot by not letting complete their game.

All that I could think of doing was putting together this picture (larger version here), and wishing them the best. The folks behind SQ7 have done a lot for me over the years, this redesigned website being just one of the favors they’ve done. Good luck, you guys. Nill illigitimi carborundum and all that jazz.